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Since 2016, we have worked hard to ebb and flow with our community, pivoting as needed, improving our approach and intentionality with our work. This was the case with COVID when we launched our mutual aid program and that is the case again. We will continue to accept mutual aid support from our generous supporters as we rework the process. With the signing of hb71 into law, we are being asked to reexamine our efforts to envision support for transgender teens that may have to travel across state lines with their guardians to receive gender affirming care. This is not the conversation we imagined having, but here we are. We have helped folks stay in their homes, cover prescription costs, kept families fed and the list goes on. We take care of each other, we have sustained each other this far and we will continue to look out for our beloved community. 

We originally launched this mutual aid on March 27, 2020 on the GoFundMe website to be able to quickly raise funds. We have switched from the GFM platform to our Paypal account in order to better track accounting and ensure checks and balances on our end. The requests from community have only increased. Your donations will continue to go to support those who exist on the margins, and who not have access to traditional systems of support. To donate, click here or donate through Paypal, Venmo, or CashApp, all linked below. Thank you for your continued support





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